Microkhan by Brendan I. Koerner

“…And a Very Fast Ostrich”

April 10th, 2009 · 3 Comments

In celebration of the forthcoming Easter holiday, Microkhan would like to offer a very special dud for Bad Movie Friday: the infamous Leonard Part 6. The Bill Cosby spy spoof is allegedly a comedy, but is known to evoke fewer laughs than the typical root canal. As the Washington Post‘s Rita Kempley so succintly put it in her pan:

Not only is this movie subliterate, it’s sub-Smurf.

Also, check out Siskel & Ebert’s take here. Ebert really doesn’t seem too psyched about the intersection of, uh, “art” and commerce in this flick.

Hollywood was slow to forgive Cosby for this one, despite the fact that he was then starring in one of the biggest TV hits of all time. It took three years before Cosby was given another silver-screen vehicle: Ghost Dad. And we all know how that turned out.

Oh, you don’t? Count yourself lucky, dear reader. Count yourself lucky.


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